
Greg Chapman

Greg Chapman is the cover artist for The Dark Man, By Referral and Less Pleasant Tales, as well as an award-winning author of dark fiction. You can discover more about his books and artwork here.


Luke Aldred

Luke Aldred is the cover artist for All I Want For Christmas. You can check out his amazing artwork here.


All In The Edit

Daft Notions are proud clients of All In The Edit, who offer a great range of proofreading na dediting services to authors and publishers.


The Lost Dogs Home

Daft Notions co-authors MacReady McKenzie and Ripley McKenzie were both adopted from the Lost Dogs Home in North Melbourne and highly recommend checking the LDH out if you’re thinking about adopting a companion animal (or two).


Chuck McKenzie

Aside fronm Chuck’s author Instagram account at, you can also check out Chuck’s Instagram adventures in cosplay at @magistercoplay, and find general tomfoolery on his TikTok account at @chuckmckenzieauthor.