Chuck McKenzie was born in 1970, and still spends much of his time there. He is not dead yet. He writes mainly science fiction and horror stories, and sometimes people publish them, which is nice. One day he may grow up and get a proper job. Or possibly not.
Worlds Apart (1999), Hybrid Publishers
All I Want For Christmas (2024), Daft Notions
Time Spent With A Cat (2024), Daft Notions
Alien Space Nazis Must Die! (2024), Daft Notions
AustrAlien Absurdities (2002, co-edited with Tansy Rayner Roberts), Agog! Press
Confessions of a Pod Person (2005), Mirrordanse Books
Conversations With My Cat (2023, co-written with MacReady McKenzie and Ripley McKenzie), Daft Notions
The Dark Man, By Referral and Less Pleasant Tales (2024), Daft Notions
Daily Grind and Other Astounding Stories of Mundane Matters
(2024), Daft Notions
Short Fiction
Old Habits Die (2001) in Antipodean SF
Conquest! (2002) in Antipodean SF
Tools of the Trade (2002) in AustrAlien Absurdities (Agog! Press)
Confessions of a Pod Person (2002) in Passing Strange (Mirrordanse Books)
Catflap (2002) in Aurealis No. 29
Incident at Five Mile Creek (2002) in Agog! Fantastic Fiction (Agog! Press)
Boarding Pass (2002) in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine No. 1
Janus (2002) in Antipodean SF
Alien Space Nazis Must Die! (2003) in Elsewhere (CSFG Publishing)
The Mark of His Hands (2003) in Orb Speculative Fiction No. 5
Predatory Instincts (2003) in Borderlands No. 2
Full Circle (2003) in Antipodean SF
Customer Service (2003) in Planet Relish
Retail Therapy (2004) in Orb Speculative Fiction No. 6
Eight-Beat Bar (2004) in Aurealis No. 33/34/35
Daily Grind (2004) in Infinitas Bookshop Newsletter
Literality (2004) in AurealisXpress
Ten Tales of Speculative Fiction (2004) in Antipodean SF
Tragedy (2005) in Antipodean SF
Like a Bug Underfoot (2005) in Daikaiju! Giant Monster Tales (Agog! Press)
The Shadow Over Bexley (2005) in Simulacrum No. 6
All I Want For Christmas (2005) in Confessions of a Pod Person (collection)
Howler (2005) in Confessions of a Pod Person (collection)
Wiping the Smile Off (2005) in Antipodean SF
Chrysalis (2006) in Infinitas Bookshop Newsletter
Marlowe Strawl (2006) in Antipodean SF
Moth (2006) in Antipodean SF
The Second-Hand Bookshop of Al Hazred (2006) in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine No. 24
What Goes Uptime (2006) in Antipodean SF
Bad Meat (2010) in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine No. 44
Tagged (2021) in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine No. 85
Time Spent With A Cat (2021) in Who Sleuthed It? (Clan Destine Press)
Daddy’s Always Right (2022) in AntipodeanSF
Schrodinger’s Catastrophe (2023) in AntipodeanSF
The Dark Man, By Referral (2023) in This Fresh Hell (Clan Destine Press)
Scotoma Fatalis (2024) in The Dark Man, By Referral and Less Pleasant Tales (Daft Notions)
The Gift (2024) in The Dark Man, By Referral and Less Pleasant Tales (Daft Notions)
Demand and Supply (2024) in AntipodeanSF
Tenant (2024), in AntipodeanSF
Catfish (2024) in Daily Grind and Other Astounding Stories of Mundane Matters
The Girl With No Eyes (Forthcoming) in Untitled poetry anthology, Graveside Press
2003 Ditmar Award for AustrAlien Absurdities (with Tansy Rayner Roberts as editors), Best Australian Collected Work
2004 Ditmar Award for Alien Space Nazis Must Die!, Best Australian Novella or Novelette
2004 Ditmar Award for The Mark of His Hands, Best Short Story
2005 Aurealis Award for Eight-Beat Bar, Best Horror Short Story
2009 Ditmar Award for work in HorrorScope, Best Fan Writer
2010 Ditmar Award for work in HorrorScope, Best Fan Writer
2010 Ditmar Award for ‘The Dead Walk…Into A Bookstore Near You!’ (Eye of Fire #1, Brimstone Press), Willian J. Atheling Award for Criticism or Review
2011 Ditmar Award for work in HorrorScope, Best Fan Writer
2021 Australian Shadows Award for Tagged, Short Fiction Award
2023 Aurealis Award for The Dark Man, By Referral, Best Fantasy Short Story